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Culturally Sensitive Interventions

It goes without saying: Working with a therapist whom you can develop a strong and comfortable relationship with is important. Finding a therapist of color is not easy - but we are here for you. If you experience subtle or blatant discrimination, racism, or struggle with integrating into your professional life as a minority- I understand your pain and frustration. Get in touch to start the path of self-discovery, courage, and peace.

In the United States, 13.4% of the population identify as Black or African-American.  Of which 16% (7 million people) reported experiencing Mental Illness within the past year.  Mental Health is not going away and I am passionate about normalizing and embracing Mental Health within the black community.


Schedule an Appointment

Charity Wabuke, LMFT 87592  626.538.5093


**All sessions are currently being conducted via teletherapy**

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